Browse Resources (4 total)

A newspaper headline in 1951 announced that Burke farmer, Jones Jasper, asked the District Court for a preliminary injunction against any airport within 12,500 feet of his 100-acre farm. The suit charged that "frequent operation of large, heavy,…

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A 1951 letter from Paul C. Kincheloe, Chairman of the Northern Virginia Committee Opposed to a Supplemental Airport at Burke, Virginia. This letter to Kincheloe's unnamed senator argued against support for the airport.

In 1959, the federal government advertised the sale at auction of land originally purchased and consolidated to construct an international airport at Burke. When an alternate site in Chantilly was chosen, almost 900 acres of land formerly designated…

The 2005 pen and ink sketch of local artist, Chris Lipsey illustrated probable effects of the Burke International Airport, had the proposal succeeded.

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