Marshall Family Gravestone

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Marshall Family Gravestone


The Marshall Family Cemetery is located in Colonel Silas Burke Park near the intersection of Old Burke Lake Road and Burke Road in Burke, Virginia. The home of John A. and Mary Marshall, which had stood nearby, was relocated and later burned in the 1970s. The Marshalls owned the general store in Burke and were prominent landowners in the mid to late 1800s. They donated land for the original Church of the Good Shepherd and for the Ashford School.

During the Civil War, a soldier shot in one of the skirmishes crawled to the Marshall House . Before the family could get his name, he died on their doorstep. He is buried in the Marshall family plot, referred to as Burke's Unknown Soldier. Whether he fought for the Union or the Confederacy is also unknown.


Photo by Gil Donahue


Copyrighted material, not to be reproduced without permission of owner, Gilbert Donahue